Housing Support Services

Dependable Housing Builds Family and Community Stability
Housing is a first priority in our lives. We all need stable housing to develop roots in the community, maintain job stability and help our children nurture long-term success in school.
Many people are living paycheck to paycheck. When the car breaks down or they lose their job, they can’t pay rent and are suddenly in a housing crisis -- out on the street, staying with friends or living in their cars or in a shelter.
LSS of MN is proud to offer many years of experience and a variety of housing services for adults, families and Veterans in the Twin Cities, St. Cloud and Brainerd communities. Our goal is to help the people regain stability and avoid homelessness.
Whom We Serve
We offer nonjudgmental support for people in a variety of situations — whether they are experiencing homelessness, or facing an eviction, a foreclosure, other financial issues, flooding, a fire, family struggles, domestic abuse, health issues or something else.
How You Can Get Help
If you need support, the first step is to call your local Coordinated Entry System (CES) provider. CES is statewide screening process to assess your needs and connect you to a provider who can help. There are trained screeners in each county who work with adults, families and Veterans to find safe housing and supportive services. After you contact Coordinated Entry, a case manager will be assigned to help you assess your needs, set goals and connect to housing resources in the community.
Our Housing Services
Supportive Housing
We provide housing and support to adults, families and families, adults and Veterans experiencing chronic homelessness. The goal is to foster housing stability and prevent recurring homelessness. Individuals served have a health condition, such as chemical dependency or mental health issue, and are eligible for rent assistance.
Transitional Housing
We offer time-limited, transitional housing and intensive, supportive services for up to 18 months for families, adults and Veterans who have experienced homelessness in Minneapolis.
Homelessness Prevention Program
The goal of the Homelessness Prevention Program is to provide financial assistance, counseling, and other services to prevent families and individuals from being evicted, losing their homes, or becoming homeless. This program is designed to decrease homelessness by providing one-time assistance with a rent or mortgage payment for households that need a short-term “bridge” until their financial situation is expected to stabilize. Participants must meet program and income guidelines and be able to financially sustain their housing payment after they receive assistance. Households interested in applying for the assistance must have a verifiable crisis situation that may cause them to lose their housing.
Energy Assistance
In Crow Wing County, we provide energy assistance to help moderate and low-income households meet their immediate home energy needs. We can authorize grants for the heating season, set up repayment plans and negotiate with utility vendors. We can also help residents address an unexpected utility crisis or connect them to other community resources.
Rental Assistance
We administer rental subsidies for people who are enrolled in our supportive housing and transitional housing services. In Sherburne, Benton and Stearns counties, we also offer one-time, short-term financial assistance to households facing eviction, foreclosure, flood, fire or a utility shut-off.
Housing Services for Veterans & Military Families
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, in collaboration with Minnesota Heading Home, is committed to ending homelessness for Veterans. Through LSS CORE, we offer Veterans supportive housing in the Twin Cities metro area that includes a rent subsidy and case management services. Our supportive case managers will walk with you to help you secure housing and achieve your personal goals.
Affordable Housing
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota owns Park Avenue Apartments and Courtyard Townhomes in Minneapolis that provide affordable housing for low-income families. Properties are managed through Hayes-Gibson. Call 612.872.9247 for more information. LSS also works in partnership with Rolling Hills, managed by the Halvorson and Blaiser Group, Ltd., to provide affordable housing. For information about vacancies, please contact 952.851.3194.
Rapid Re-Housing
In Saint Cloud area we support low-income families, adults and Veterans for up to nine months with rent assistance, utility assistance, a housing deposit or moving assistance to obtain stable housing. Families receive case management to help them achieve success. Call 218.824.1437 for more information.
For our Housing Information Line, please call 612.879.5266.
Contact Us
[email protected]
Central Minnesota:
[email protected]