Senior Companion Services

Our Senior Companion service is available across Minnesota and North Dakota and assists older adults, so they are able to remain healthy and active in their own homes for as long as possible.
Our companions are trained volunteers who visit three to four hours per week to offer support, friendship and transportation in the community.

This LSS service is provided in partnership with AmeriCorps Seniors, formerly known as Senior Corps. This is a national service agency that connects volunteers, who are age 55 and older, with the people and organizations that need them the most.
Senior Companions do what friends and neighbors might do:
- Enjoy conversation.
- Assist with errands, grocery shopping or transportation to appointments.
- Share interests or hobbies like playing games or going for walks.
- Go out to lunch.
- Assist with correspondence or simple household tasks.
Available to qualified older adults
Senior Companion assistance is available to older adults who would be able to continue living independently at home with the help of a weekly friendly visitor.
Services may be covered by:
- Elderly waiver (EW) or Alternative Care (AC) funding for older adults 65 years of age or older and eligible for in-home services.
- UCare Medicare Advantage Plans.
- Other public health and community partners.
- If you do not qualify for this service, you may be interested in Neighbor to Neighbor Companions — a similar LSS service that is available for purchase.
Get Started Today
Feel free to contact us to talk about your needs and determine how this service might work for you. A request for Senior Companion services may be placed by you, a family member or a case worker.
Complete our short interest form
You can also contact the LSS representative in your area or call us at 888.205.3770 (Minnesota) or 701.389.2293 (North Dakota).
Become a Senior Companion Volunteer
Learn about becoming a Senior Companion Volunteer
Visit the AmeriCorps Seniors Association Minnesota Facebook page for news updates and stories about Senior Companion services.
Other ways to access services in your area:
Senior LinkAge Line
800.333.2433 or dial 711.
Funding for Senior Companions is provided by AmeriCorps Seniors, Minnesota Board on Aging, UCare, United Way, and community agencies through their partnership with Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.