Youth Homelessness
Host Homes for Youth

Support For Youth Ages 18-24

The Host Home program empowers good neighbors in the Mankato community to shelter and support young adults experiencing homelessness as they progress to the next stage of their lives. The program matches young people ages 18-24 with caring and consistent adults who have a spare bedroom to offer.


Volunteer hosts provide young people with room and board for a flexible and mutually-agreed-upon length of time. Hosts receive training and support throughout, and youth participants receive case management services.

Young people voluntarily enter the Host Home program, and they choose who they want to meet based on host profiles. Program staff facilitate an introduction and once both youth and hosts decide it is a good match, the youth moves in.

The length of stay may last 6-12 months. This experience gives young people the time, space and support to stabilize, address immediate needs and work on their personal goals to make a more positive transition into young adulthood.

Ideal Hosts:

  • Have a spare bedroom a young person in the program can call their own
  • Are open-minded, non-judgmental and self-aware
  • Provide a caring and stable home life
  • Stay in regular contact with program staff

Training and Expectations of Hosts:

Hosts receive training on setting appropriate boundaries, youth trauma and resiliency, conflict resolution skills, and an understanding of LSS’ commitment to anti-racism work.

The most important role a host plays is that of a caring and consistent adult in the life of a young person struggling with instability. Host Home staff commit to making appropriate matches based on the needs of the young person and your family. Hosting is inherently relational and organic; it will look different for everyone.

Expectations of Participants:

Young adults in the program will meet and communicate regularly with the program case manager. Participants are expected to follow house rules and attend monthly house meetings facilitated by program staff.

More services for youth in Mankato


Host Homes for Youth - Mankato
