Older Adults
Emergency Care Planning for Caregivers

Emergency Care Planning for Caregivers

Gain peace of mind knowing your loved one will be taken care of. LSS Caregiver Support & Respite Services equips caregivers with a plan in case a crisis or emergency happens.


  • Equips family and friends who step-in to assure they have the information they need to care for the individual. 
  • Creates unity and teamwork within the family and support members.
  • Encourages open communication.
  • Provides education and resources for the family and support team. 

Services Include:

  •  An in-depth assessment of your unique needs and support to create a plan.
  •  Family/support team meetings. 
  •  Follow-up every 90 days to review the plan. 
  •  Referrals to additional resources.

Emergency Care Plans Include:

  •  Contacts who are available to assist if a crisis occurs.
  •  Person-centered plan that respects the wishes of the individual receiving care.
  •  Follow-up every 90 days to review the plan. 
  •  Detailed information that is crucial for the person stepping in to provide care.

How to Get Started

Call toll free at 866.787.9802 or email caregiverservices@lssmn.org.

This service is supported by the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA), Minnesota Board on Aging and the Great Plains Senior Services Collaborative.



Caregiver Support & Respite

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