Current Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

We are currently seeking volunteers for a variety of services in communities throughout Minnesota.

We are also in need of items to support our services. You can learn more about how to donate items to meet the needs of our neighbors by visiting our in-kind giving opportunities page.

Central MN

St. Cloud
Support families experiencing a crisis by providing a safe and temporary place for children age 12 and younger. Must be a licensed provider – child care, foster care or child care center.


Various locations.
Assist with bagging meals, setting up and/or cleaning-up the dining room, packing meals on wheels bags, dishwashing, and kitchen preparation work and/or clean up.
Various locations.
Transport meals from kitchen/reheating locations to satellite locations. Load/unload bulk food containers or packaged meal trays into/out of vehicle.
Various Locations.
Deliver hot, nutritious meals and perform a safety check for older adults who might be unable to leave their homes. Plus, stay social as volunteers personally greet and get to know each older adult they serve.
Various locations
Get connected by networking and doing volunteer outreach/recruitment within your community to share about LSS Meals’ volunteer opportunities. Activities might include flyer distribution or public speaking.