Karen Bakkenist Testimonial
Inspiration, Gratitude & Hope

In 2011, my month-long journey throughout Myanmar introduced me to stunning geography, rich cultural sites, and to people who were kind, humble and generous.
Now, seven years later, the highlight of my week has become spending time with a refugee family from this beautiful country. Whether it be sitting on the rice mat on the floor eating watermelon, playing soccer in the park, or practicing English, I am usually surrounded by six children and two adults who make me smile and bring me great joy.
My travels have taught me the importance of respecting and learning about other cultures. I work to balance honoring their Karen heritage while introducing an American experience to this lovely family. I help with everything from filling our forms to teaching them games like Chinese Checkers to introducing them to chocolate chip cookies. It is easy to engage them and to make them laugh. While I teach them English, they teach me Karen, taking great delight in my attempts to learn the language. They are attentive, joyful and kind.
While I do not know the specifics of their journey to Minneapolis, I am aware that they lived in a refugee camp in Thailand for ten years. That means that four of the children were born in the camp. I imagine their struggle in fleeing from Myanmar, the uncertainty of waiting in the camp, and the apprehension of traveling to the US. When I look at this family, I don’t see sadness, anger or defeat. I see a good life – a big, happy, loving family. I know they have drawn on strength, persistence and each other to arrive at the point they are today. They inspire me and remind me that the best gifts we can give one another are time together, caring, and support.
I feel forever grateful for this opportunity to be a part of their life.