Consumer Directed Community Supports

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS)

PICS CDCS. Woman holding the hand of a boy with a disability.

Consumer Directed Community Supports (CDCS) is an option under the Home and Community Based Waiver program that allows people to direct their own services.

The Individual/Participant and their Representative create a plan for how their dollars are going to be spent to help them live more independent lives at home and in the community. PICS, as the Financial Management Services provider, assists by paying for the services outlined in the plan and billing the State for those costs.

PICS helps Individuals/Participants:

  • Process payroll.
  • Process and pay expenses reimbursements.
  • Handle accounting, reporting, tax and revenue information.
  • Facilitate hiring and staffing, including payroll, benefits, insurance and training.


Individuals/Participants will be set up under the Payroll Model.

Fees: Vary between program funds. Please contact us to determine fees.

“It's been a delight working with PICS. The staff is very knowledgeable and helpful. I hope to be working with them for a long time!”
CDCS Caregiver