
October 2018 News

Oct 1

Camp Noah, a Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota week-long day camp to help children recover emotionally and spiritually from natural disasters, provided support to children who fled to Pennsylvania after the devastation created by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Read more in the Living Lutheran magazine.

September 2018 News

Sep 26

"A new law makes it easier for consumers to freeze and thaw their credit scores, one year after the historic Equifax that compromised 143 million consumers’ personal information." LSS Financial Counselor Shannon Doyle shares tips on preventing identity theft in this WCCO TV story.

Sep 25

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota has partnered with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Minnesota to provide support for veterans struggling with mental health issues. Read more at Fox 9.

Sep 11

Exercise science student Rumen Hulmequist conducted a 24-hour full body endurance marathon to raise money and awareness for cross-cultural adoption through Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota and the Children’s Home Society. Read Rumen's story in the Marshall Independent.

Sep 1

'By the time she reached her sophomore year of college, Anna Guntlisbergen knew she was destined to one day become an adoptive parent." Read this story at Minnesota Parent.