Allord Family

Allord Family

Morrison County
Photo of Host Home Provider Mary Allord

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Our Home & Family

We look forward to welcoming you to our spacious home, which includes four bedrooms, two living rooms, three bathrooms and a fenced-in yard. Our home is close to downtown Little Falls and within walking distance to many stores. We will assist you with your transportation needs and the city bus service is easily accessible.

The Reason We Open Our Home

In my career, I have enjoyed working with adults with disabilities. I love helping people achieve their goals while working on life skills. Through the years, I have learned many life lessons from the people I have served.

Our Traditions

Every year we look forward to family reunions and celebrations during the holidays.

Our Faith & Values

We are Christians who believe everything happens for a reason and that God does not hand you anything you cannot handle. Being positive is an important part of our lives.

Our Hobbies & Interests

We enjoy many outdoor activities including: hunting, fishing, walking in the woods and observing nature. We will facilitate your participation in all of our outdoor activities. Because of our love of the outdoors, we eventually hope to move to a home in the country. We also enjoy reading, doing crafts and listening to music.

Welcome to Our Home!

Your feelings and thoughts are important to us and we will make sure you feel comfortable in your new home. We look forward to welcoming you into our family.

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Host Homes Brainerd Area
This home is located in Little Falls, MN