
Upcoming Updates to PICS' Online Systems

Thursday, June 30, 2022

EVV TimecardAt PICS (Partners in Community Supports), we strive to make our services easier to use for the families who rely on them. We’re excited to share that our portal and timekeeping systems will be updated in Fall 2022.

What will be changing?

  • The PICS Portal system will be updated. The online portal is for Representatives to submit timesheets, expense reimbursements and mileage, and to view spending summaries.
  • A new Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) system will allow Workers to enter their work hours online and for Representatives to approve online following submission.

It’s important to note that live-in caregivers will not be required to use EVV.

Why is the update necessary?

  • Both the updated Portal and new timekeeping system are designed to be more accessible than our current systems and easier to use.
  • As a Financial Management Services (FMS) provider, PICS is required by the Federal government to use an EVV system. The State of Minnesota is launching the EVV system by the end of June. Read EVV updates from Minnesota’s Department of Human Services.

While PICS will be launching the new EVV system soon, Workers and Representatives are not required to use it at this time. Continue using your current timekeeping process until we provide further information and training.

Tools and resources for both the portal and timekeeping systems will be provided in English, Hmong, Spanish, Somali and other languages as requested.

We will continue to share updates as we gather more information.