
PICS - Worker Timecard Approval Process

Tuesday, January 05, 2021

PICS is excited to roll out a new portal timecard approval process 2/1/2021. This past summer PICS informed you of some Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) requirement changes coming your way on how to submit timecards. PICS must make these changes to be in compliance with DHS. After receiving your feedback and testing this new process with a successful pilot group, we’re ready to provide a simple process to you with easy as possible instructions. PICS will now capture a shared process between both Representative and Worker showing approval of hours worked.

As you know, Representatives currently either complete the timecards on behalf of the Workers in the portal or they provide a paper copy to PICS. In both cases, the Representative maintains paper copies for their records – which is no longer enough to ensure compliance with DHS requirements. The new process requires Workers to approve their timecard before we can issue payment.

Completing Timecards is Just 5 Easy Steps


Completing Timecards is Just 5 Easy Steps

Frequently Asked Questions

Have the payroll deadlines changed?

  • No, timecards are still due by Wednesday at noon in the portal.
  • Please allow enough time before the deadline for the Worker to approve their timecard.
  • Any timecard approved by a worker after the deadline will be not be paid according to the normal payroll schedule.

What if the Worker doesn't have an email?

  • Manual timecards will need to be submitted until the Worker provides an email address.
  • Contact us if you need help with this process.

How do I know if the Worker doesn’t have an email?

  • You can view the Worker’s contact information on the portal homepage.

Can I share an email with another person?

  • No, each Worker must have their own unique email.
  • You cannot share an email address with another person in PICS’ system.

If a timecard is rejected, will the Worker still be paid?

  • No, the timecard would be sent back to the Representative to review.
  • If revisions are approved by the deadline, it may be processed according to the payroll schedule.

What happens if the Worker never receives the email to approve or reject the timecard?

  • The Representative can resend the email to the Worker by clicking the “Resend” link on the timecard.

Does the Representative or Worker need to retain hard copies of the timecards?

  • No, PICS will now store the paper or electronic copy of the timecard and it can be requested as necessary.

We understand that change can be challenging – or just plain hard to remember. Our goal is to make the change as easy as possible for Representatives and Workers.

If you have any questions or need additional help, please contact us at 651-967-5060 or