Host a Camp

Host Camp Noah

Camp Noah is designed to help children impacted by disaster or trauma and each camp is designed with the local community in mind. It is the only national program providing child-specific resiliency-building curriculum during a community’s long-term recovery. Camps usually happen over five days, but the hope and healing a child receives can last a lifetime.

Sometimes communities contact Camp Noah about organizing a camp, and other times Camp Noah staff reach out to disaster-impacted communities to see if local partners are interested in hosting and planning.

Are you looking for opportunities to help your child or community after a disaster in your area? Each Camp Noah is organized in partnership with local organizations or groups. Camp Noah staff are available to start a conversation about your unique needs and answer your questions. Because of the unique collaboration method of planning Camp Noah for your community, we encourage you to contact Camp Noah as soon as possible.


Camp Essentials

There are a few key components necessary to host a Camp Noah event.

  • Potential dates for Camp Noah
  • Children to attend and volunteers to help lead the curriculum with staff support
  • Community partners including a local group, agency or organization that may be willing to serve as the Coordinating Organization. A Coordinating Organization commits to bringing Camp Noah to the community, and signs an agreement with Camp Noah. They also identify an individual to serve as a Site Coordinator, who oversees the event, recruits campers and manages logistics.
  • A location that can accommodate campers, camp staff and volunteers. This site could be a school or church, a community center, at an after-school program or another location.
  • Funding or ideas for possible funding sources

Camp Noah staff will work with you to identify these components, providing direction and support as we work together to build resiliency, restore hope and change lives of children.


How to Get Started

If you are interested in having a Camp Noah event in your area, please contact us using the form below.


Camp Noah


"The fact that [Camp Noah] brought a whole lot of partners together to work on something also increases resiliency. It says you can partner and work together even if you don't all have the same beliefs and you don't all agree all the time. In this type of situation, you can come together and work together and make something great happen."

–Community stakeholder