Critical Incident Response

Critical Incident Response

When a critical incident happens at work, it is important to respond quickly to the needs of individuals who have been affected. NuVantage Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps organizations prepare to respond to critical incidents and provides response support for job-related critical incidents.


What Is a Critical Incident?

A critical incident is an event that occurs in a work setting that has the potential of causing emotional trauma to those involved. Critical incidents can include industrial accidents, natural disasters, natural death (on or off-site), and workplace violence.

A critical incident has the potential to produce immediate or delayed emotional reactions beyond the employee’s normal coping skills. NuVantage EAP will help employers and employees navigate critical events and provide support in planning for further unforeseen circumstances.  


NuVantage EAP Critical Incident Services

  • Small-group debriefings
  • Large-group support and informational sessions
  • Professional counseling for individual support
  • Pre-incident planning
  • Follow-up services


